Our Team
Founder and President: Alex Helmer
From his earliest memory going to the movie theater for the first time, Alex knew that movies were in his future. A lifelong storyteller and cinematic enthusiast, Alex has taken his talents to Syracuse University where he studies film and political science. Although he’s passionate about many film-related avenues, Alex is most determined to become a professional filmmaker. Alex created TLOC as a small movie podcast to meet people like him, and now is driven to take his accomplishments to the next level and make TLOC Productions a household name.
Meet the Team
Hunter Friesen
TCC President
David Taylor
TLOC Films Producer
Alex Holmes
TLOC Films Producer
Lucas Parker
TLOC Films Producer
Lukass Legzdins
Promotional Editor, TLOC CINEMAWARS Producer
Gal Balaban
TLOC Trivia Producer