Our Team

Founder and President: Alex Helmer

From his earliest memory going to the movie theater for the first time, Alex knew that movies were in his future. A lifelong storyteller and cinematic enthusiast, Alex has taken his talents to Syracuse University where he studies film and political science. Although he’s passionate about many film-related avenues, Alex is most determined to become a professional filmmaker. Alex created TLOC as a small movie podcast to meet people like him, and now is driven to take his accomplishments to the next level and make TLOC Productions a household name.

Meet the Team

  • Hunter Friesen

    TCC President

  • David Taylor

    TLOC Films Producer

  • Alex Holmes

    TLOC Films Producer

  • Lucas Parker

    TLOC Films Producer

  • Lukass Legzdins

    Promotional Editor, TLOC CINEMAWARS Producer

  • Gal Balaban

    TLOC Trivia Producer